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[Menu controlASP+ACCESS-tree

Description: 用ASP+ACCESS数据库实现的无限级目录树-ASP ACCESS database unlimited class tree
Platform: | Size: 32087 | Author: davis | Hits:


Description: ASP+Access的安全隐患及对策-ASP+ Access to the security risks and countermeasures
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop聊天系统(asp和access)

Description: asp环境下的聊天室程序源码,运行环境为asp+access,方便制作自己的语音聊天室-asp environment chat room procedures source, the operating environment for asp access, facilitate the production of their own voice chat rooms
Platform: | Size: 885760 | Author: 张东 | Hits:

[WAP developASP.NET开发WAP留言本(一)

Description: 一个WML和ASP+ACCESS写的留言版程序,对于初学者有着很好的重要性-a WML and ASP ACCESS write the message boards procedures for beginners is the importance of good
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 郑天 | Hits:

[Menu controlASP+ACCESS-tree

Description: 用ASP+ACCESS数据库实现的无限级目录树-ASP ACCESS database unlimited class tree
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: davis | Hits:

[Goverment applicationASP+Access

Description: 毕业设计,毕业设计综合管理系统.rar,ASP加access.-graduation design, a graduate of the design of an integrated management system. Rar, ASP increase access.
Platform: | Size: 3773440 | Author: 王洪贵 | Hits:


Description: 功能齐全的oa网络办公源码asp+acce-Full-featured office oa network source asp+ Acce
Platform: | Size: 1703936 | Author: 乐天 | Hits:


Description: 小型BBS论坛设计 ASP+Access实现新用户注册、会员登录、会员发布帖子、会员回复帖子、留言、回复留言、修改用户密码、查询帖子信息、修改发布帖子、删除发布帖子、删除非法用户(管理员权限)十项功能。-Design of small BBS Forum ASP+ Access realize new user registration, member login, member posting, members respond to post messages, reply to messages, modify the user
Platform: | Size: 655360 | Author: 程雪娇 | Hits:


Description: 仓库即时查询系统 利用ASP+ACCESS进行编程-Warehouse query system uses real-time ASP ACCESS program
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: 魏峥 | Hits:

[WEB Codeasp+access

Description: 一个用ASP 做的网上选课系统,数据库用的是ACCESS,,大家可以-Using ASP to do a online course system, the database is used by ACCESS,, we can
Platform: | Size: 319488 | Author: 陈欣 | Hits:


Description: 学生管理系统ASP+ACCESS+论文 简单的管理系统 含源码-Student management system ASP+ ACCESS+ Paper management system with a simple source
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: asdsad | Hits:

[WEB CodeASP+Access

Description: ASP+Access开发动态网站实例荟萃 书上的代码
Platform: | Size: 1668096 | Author: 雷小 | Hits:

[WEB Codeasp+access

Description: asp+access数据库开发精选 其中含有: 办公自动化管理系统 电子商务网站 个人网站 企业门户网站 新城校友录 新闻网站 在线论坛 中介信息网站等等 -asp+ access database development Featured containing: Office Automation Management System for Enterprise e-commerce website portal personal website Metro Alumni news websites online forum intermediary web site, etc.
Platform: | Size: 8210432 | Author: heheiscool | Hits:


Description: 本系统说明 1、本系统根据不同的用户可分不同的功能。有管理员,班主任,教师,学生等不同的人进入有不同的功能。 2、本系统有很多的错误,主要只是供人参考,由于本人不是很倾向学习ASP,也没有时间对自己的错误做修改。主要是 班主任和教师的Session变量没有传到转向的页面中。 -Description of the system 1, the system according to different users can be divided into different functions. Have an administrator, teacher, teachers, students, such as different people have access to different functions. 2, the system has a lot of errors, since it is mainly for reference, I am not very inclined to learn ASP, there is no time to make amendments to their mistakes. Is the class teacher and teachers have not reached the turning Session variables page.
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB Codeasp

Description: 基于web的企业人事管理系统的设计与实现 源程序 asp+access 管理员admin/admin-Enterprise web-based personnel management system Design and Implementation of source asp+ Access manager admin/admin
Platform: | Size: 259072 | Author: wamngkun | Hits:


Description: 学生管理系统ASP-ACCESS-论文-毕业设计-Student Management System ASP+ ACCESS+ Papers
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: laoyang | Hits:


Description: ASP+access实现的同学录,功能具全,实用,简单-classmate ASP+access
Platform: | Size: 4373504 | Author: 张洁 | Hits:


Description: xs微信公众号ASP V1.0 微信公众平台ASP版的接口asp+Access,独立管理平台系统。 1、常规管理/基本配置:设置自己微信公众号的接口信息即可正常使用。 2、关注回复:三种回复内容:文本、图文、多图文 3、消息管理和粉丝管理 4、菜单管理、添加删除、发布,添加完菜单发布即可成功。 5、素材可以添加图文和连接 6、多图文素材是多个单图文组合在一起显示 7、关键字设置,菜单检索的关键词或其他要显示的关键字。 8、管理密码登录用户名密码修改。 后台登录:http://您的域名/manage/login.asp 初始帐号:admin 密 码:admin(XS WeChat public number ASP V1.0 WeChat public platform ASP version of the interface asp+Access, independent management platform system)
Platform: | Size: 1565696 | Author: 天涯子 | Hits:


Description: 渗透测试,asp+access注入源代码实现,直接导入可以使用(Penetration test, asp+access injection source code implementation, direct import can be used)
Platform: | Size: 49599488 | Author: 小千xiaoqian | Hits:


Description: asp+Access实现站内搜索实例 适合刚接触的asp新人参考(asp+Access Search this site)
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 进击的喵喵怪 | Hits:
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